How much fiber is in whole wheat pasta?

How much fiber is in whole wheat pasta?

You probably knew that fiber is healthy for you. But how much fiber are there in whole wheat pasta? To answer that question, we’ve put 5 different whole grain pastas side by side. This way we know exactly how much fiber is in whole wheat pasta on average.

How much fiber in whole wheat pasta?

On average, there are 5.44 grams of fiber in whole wheat pasta. This amount of fiber is per 100 grams of uncooked whole wheat pasta and is an average of five different whole wheat pastas. The lowest measured amount of fiber in whole wheat pasta is 4.2 grams per 100 grams. The highest amount of fiber is 6 grams per 100 grams of whole wheat pasta.

The amount of fiber in whole wheat pasta can vary from one pasta producer to another. Because we want to give you as precise an amount as possible, we have put 5 different whole grain pastas side by side and compared them.

Average amount of fiber in whole wheat pasta

Whole wheat pasta is made by many different pasta producers who all use different types of wheat. Therefore, the amount of fiber in whole wheat pasta is also often different for each producer or pasta brand.

The most commonly used type of wheat to make whole wheat pasta is durum wheat. Also called durum wheat. Besides durum wheat, whole wheat pasta can also be made from spelt wheat or another type of wheat.

Because there are so many different types of whole wheat pasta, we have chosen to start from the most commonly used whole wheat pasta. Namely whole wheat pasta made from durum wheat. To arrive at an average amount of fiber, we took five different types of pasta from our shelves and put them side by side.

All the pasta types in the table below are different in shape and are made by different producers

Average nutritional value
Pasta #1Pasta #2Pasta #3Pasta #4Pasta #5
Energy (kcal)353,4351361351361343
Fat (grams)1,230,51,60,51,61,95
Carbohydrates (grams)69,26672667270
Sugars (grams)3,224,124,13,8
Fiber (grams)5,4465,565,54,2
Proteins (grams)12,71312,51312,512,5
Salt (grams)0,010,010,010,010,010,01

As shown in the table, we arrive at an average of 5.44 grams of fiber per 100 grams of dried whole wheat pasta. The highest amount of fiber comes to 6 grams per 100 grams of whole wheat pasta. The lowest amount comes out to 4.2 grams per 100 grams.

So, as you can see, there is indeed a big difference in the fiber content per whole wheat pasta type. So it is too simplistic to say that every whole wheat pasta has the same amount of fiber. So always look carefully on the back of the pasta packaging to make sure how much fiber the pasta contains.

The number of fibers per 100 grams

It will be nothing new to you, but we still want to clarify the amount of fiber per 100 grams of whole wheat pasta. Even in the world of pasta, this is the usual way of noting the nutritional value of a product.

Because every pasta producer adheres to this international convention, it is easy to put different whole grain pastas side by side and compare the nutritional value.

Should you find yourself in the supermarket, be sure to put a few different whole grain pastas side by side. You will see that the nutritional value can still be different.

Fiber in different forms of whole wheat pasta

Whole wheat pasta is made from pasta dough. Like normal pasta, a ball of pasta dough is first kneaded and then pressed through a mold. This gives the pasta its final shape.

All pasta shapes you’ve ever seen are made this way. The applies to the well-known spaghetti, but also to the somewhat unknown shapes.

Because all shapes of whole wheat pasta are made from the same ball of pasta dough, there is no difference in the amount of fiber in each shape. So all shapes made from the same ball of pasta dough have the same amount of fiber.

So, simply put, it doesn’t matter whether you choose whole wheat spaghetti or whole wheat penne. The amount of fiber remains the same!

What is fiber and what is it good for?

Now that you know the average amount of fiber in whole wheat pasta, it’s useful to take a moment to think about why they are so important. After all, fiber is good for you. So eating a whole wheat pasta that has a high fiber content contributes to your health.

Of course, it is important not to overeat pasta. But if you stick to the recommended amount of pasta per person, pasta high in fiber is very healthy for you.

Dietary fiber (fibre) is an important substance for your digestion. Fiber also provides satiety after meals. According to scientists, they also help reduce cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and colon cancer.

The nutritional value of whole wheat pasta

In addition to fiber, whole wheat pasta is packed with other healthy nutrients. There are too many to list, which is why we have written an entire blog about the nutritional value of whole wheat pasta.

Take a look at the blog and learn all about the nutritional value of whole wheat pasta.

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