Is pasta an appetizer and when do you eat it?

Is pasta an appetizer and when do you eat it?

Is pasta an appetizer and when is it eaten in Italy? In fact, on the Italian menu card you will find antipasti, primi piatti, secondi piatti, contorni and dolci.

What does pasta fall under and when do you eat it according to Italian standards?

Is pasta an appetizer?

Pasta is an appetizer according to Italian eating habits. In fact, pasta falls under the “primi piatti” which literally translated means “the first plates. Thus, pasta is eaten before the main course.

The main dishes fall under secondi piatti. Or, “the second plates. Because pasta is eaten as an appetizer, you often get a smaller portion of pasta in Italy. The portion is usually between 80 and 100 grams.

In the home situation, pasta is also sometimes eaten as a main course. Especially when there is little time to cook several courses.

Because pasta is usually eaten as an appetizer, yet in the home situation it is also often eaten as a main course, it can be quite confusing. Is pasta an appetizer or a main course?

First we explain the Italian eating habits. After this, everything becomes a lot clearer….

Italian eating habits vs. American eating habits

Italian eating habits are slightly different from what we are used to in america. This is because in Italy they do not have 3, but often 5 courses on the menu.

Of course, even in Italy it makes a difference whether you eat out or at home. At home, people often opt for a quick bite, so the evening meal often consists of a “piatto unico. Piatto unico literally translated means “a single plate. Often this is a plate of pasta, risotto or a piece of meat/fish etc.

But once dining in the restaurant, most Italians choose an anti pasto, a primo piatto, a secondo piatto, contorni and of course a dolce. In the restaurant, pasta almost always falls under the primi piatti. In other words, the appetizers.

The Italian menu explained:

Anti pasti:

In the restaurant, the anti pasti is always the first course of the meal. Anti pasti literally translated means “before pasta. This is usually something from bruschetta, a small salad, salami and other meats. Small bites and pulls that prepare you for the next courses.

Primi Piatti:

Aka “the first plates. It still sounds strange to most Dutch people when you talk about the first plates, which aren’t quite the first plates after all. Yet the primi piatti are really considered appetizers. Pasta is in fact included here, as pasta is generally an appetizer.

The portions of pasta eaten as a starter are a bit smaller than those you eat at home. There must be room left for the main course, of course. A portion of pasta here is usually between 80 and 100 grams. More than enough to make a nice appetizer but still not enough to be really full.

Secondi Piatti:

The secondi piatti, you already feel it coming, are of course the “second plates. Or, in other words, the main courses. This includes the larger dishes. Think fish and meat dishes. What is also useful to know is that a main course in Italy is often served without side dishes. These can often be ordered separately as contorni.


Side dishes fall under the contorni. With a side dish you can think of potatoes from the oven, local beans, grilled vegetables or just a salad with some olive oil. In northern Italy, you can often order polenta here as well. Very tasty by the way!


The dolci, often the kids’ favorite department! And the sweet tooth among us, of course. Well known Italian desserts such as tiramisu are included here.

Pasta can also be eaten as a main course

Pasta is an appetizer. Of course this does not mean that pasta is never eaten as a main course. In Italy, pasta is also eaten as a main course. This often happens at home.

And even when there is little time for extensive cooking (yes, this also happens in Italy), pasta is an ideal meal. It is easy to make, takes little time to cook, and everyone likes it. Besides, you can experiment endlessly with it and there are countless pasta recipes online.

In the restaurant, you can also choose pasta as a main course. This is also called a “piatto unico. Literally translated, this means “a single plate.

Of course, it can happen that you had a late lunch, and you really don’t have room for 5 courses. Should you be in Italy and want a piatto unico, choose from the primi or secondi and clearly indicate that you are only going for one course. Of course, there is no problem or shame in going for a piatto unico. In fact, it is quite common. Just state it extra clearly so there are no misunderstandings while ordering.

How much pasta with an appetizer or main course?

If you are planning to really go out on a limb, cook some delicious Italian food, and prepare a number of courses, it is of course important not to use too much pasta. It would be a shame if your table guests would be like full after the pasta appetizer.

Therefore, you should think in advance whether you are going to serve pasta as an appetizer or as a main course.

Amount of pasta as an appetizer:

If you are going to serve pasta as a starter, it is convenient to use between 80 grams and 100 grams of pasta per person. We are talking about uncooked pasta here. So weigh the pasta before cooking it, so you can be sure not to serve too much pasta.

Amount of pasta as a main course:

For a main course, use about 125 grams of pasta. Of course, it plays into whether you have big eaters at the table, but as a rule, 125 grams of pasta is more than enough.

The type of pasta sauce is also important, of course. If you have made a pasta sauce that is packed with meat, fish or vegetables, you can also choose to use 100 grams of pasta.

In addition, it is also important to consider what kind of pasta you will use. Pay particular attention to pasta where eggs are incorporated through the dough. In other words, pasta with eggs mentioned.

This type of pasta is a lot more nutritious than “regular pasta” which is made from just water and durum wheat. If you want to use pasta with eggs, weigh out about 80 grams of uncooked pasta per person. In fact, this is more than enough!

Since it is still quite complicated to know exactly how much pasta you need per person, we have dedicated a whole blog to it. In our blog ‘how much pasta do you cook per person’ we tell you all about how much pasta you need.

Pasta recipes as a starter

You can find plenty of pasta recipes that you can use as a starter. As a rule, you can use any pasta recipe as a starter. So you can keep searching around endlessly for the best pasta recipe as a starter.

A waste of time if you ask us. Choose a pasta dish that goes well with your main dish. If you have a delicious piece of meat or fish as a main course, it is useful to take this into account. This will make your dinner even tastier.

If you serve fish during the main course, choose a pasta dish that also contains fish. Your starter then supports the main course. Of course, this does not mean that you have to use exactly the same kind of fish. But stick to fish. In our experience, this is the tastiest option.

If you have a main course that has meat in it, choose a pasta as a starter that also has meat in it.

Of course, you can also choose a vegan pasta recipe. This pasta goes well with both fish and meat dishes. This way you are always right.

A vegan pasta recipe as a starter may sound exciting, but it is often no more complicated than a pasta with tomato sauce and a little basil.

You can also make a delicious plate of pasta all’ arrabbiata, for example.

Use good pasta for your appetizer

Using the right pasta is important to bring out the flavors of your dish. You may not think about it, but pasta is the biggest part of your dish.

That’s why we advise you to always choose good quality pasta. Invest an extra euro in a good pasta, because you will taste the difference without a doubt.

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